<aside> 💡 What is this?: This is all the content from my MS HCI portfolio, exactly as is. You’d find projects here from 2016-2019, while I was applying design principles to my courses and everything else around me


hi there! ^-^

I’m Kundu. I design stuff.

Currently a master’s student at Georgia Tech’s HCI Program.

Joining the Zeplin crew this Summer!


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My Projects.

Design is a medium that enables me to strategize for brands and digital products.

This repository of cross-disciplinary projects documents my experiences with strategic design within academic teams, startups, and industry partners.

I hope to have documented how I have used design as a tool to impact the creation and/or the effect of products.


My Process.

Critiquing art is subjective, critiquing design is not.

To inform my design decisions, under ideal circumstances, I utilize

[1] internal trends and expectations;

[2] external data and design patterns;

[3] and the aesthetic value provided by a product.

My projects

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About Me.

Hi. I'm Aditya Kundu. I am a student designer that aspires to bring impact to products through design. Working with the startup industry, as a freelance consultant, during my undergrad taught me how design processes could influence product and business decisions.

These insights allow me to use design as a strategy rather than being just another deliverable.

Also, I game. A lot. Experiencing games as an active participant provides for a much richer experience compared to being a passive observer in traditional storytelling mediums such as cinema, literature, and music.

Previously interned at SlackCowrksLollypop Design Studio

Aditya Kundu Portfolio.jpg

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